The services of Nanolab were used for research resulting in the following publications:

Molnár, Z., Hegedűs, P., Németh, P., Pósfai, M. (2025) Competitive incorporation of Ba, Sr and Ca into amorphous carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 393, 18-30. Screenshot 2025 02 10 at 22.03.12

Béres, K.A., Homonnay, Z., Bereczki, L., Petruševski, V.M., Farkas, A., Czégény, Z., Németh, P., Pekker, P., Béres-Szilágyi, F., Stryšovský, T., Kvitek, L., Gömöry, Á., Kótai, L. (2025) Studies on a urea-complexed iron (III) dichromate, a precursor of chromium-rich nanospinel catalysts prepared for the reductive transformation of carbon dioxideInorganic Chemistry, 64, 3427-3444. Beres 2025

Kakasi, B., Varga, F.J., Hopotószki, M., Hopotószki, E. and Uddin, I. (2025) Sustainable streptomycin-based Ag nanoparticle synthesis and study of the cytotoxicity. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, pp.1-9. Screenshot 2025 02 10 at 22.04.43

Mukhtar, S., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Őze, C., Juzsakova, T., Rácz, K., Németh, M., & Horváth, O. (2025). g-C3N4 modified with metal sulfides for visible-light-driven photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutantsMolecules, 30, 253.  Screenshot 2025 01 10 at 11.46.33

Istvánovics, V., Honti, M., Clement, A., Kravinszkaja, G., Pósfai, M. and Torma, P. (2024) Chloride and sodium budgets of a shallow freshwater lake – current status and the impact of climate changeScience of the Total Environment, 957, 177616. Screenshot 2024 11 29 at 10.13.17

Mukhtar, S., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Horváth, O., Makó, É., Juzsakova, T. and Molnár, Z. (2024) Bio-inspired synthesis of Ag-g-C3N4 nanocomposites and their application for photocatalytic degradation of para-nitrophenolColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, p.135739. Screenshot 2024 11 29 at 10.02.08

Kovács, A., Pósfai, M., Zingsem, B., Li, Z.A., Pekker, P., Caron, J., Prévéral, S., Lefèvre, C.T., Bazylinski, D.A., Frankel, R.B. and Dunin-Borkowski, R.E. (2024) Influence of crystal shape and orientation on the magnetic microstructure of bullet-shaped magnetosomes synthesized by magnetotactic bacteria. Geo-Bio Interfaces, 1, p.e1.
Gubieda, A.G., Gandarias, L., Pósfai, M., Pattammattel, A., Fdez-Gubieda, M.L., Abad-Díaz-de-Cerio, A. and García-Prieto, A. (2024) Temporal and spatial resolution of magnetosome degradation at the subcellular level in a 3D lung carcinoma modelJournal of Nanobiotechnology, 22, p.529. Screenshot 2024 09 29 at 18.34.47

Uddin, I., Mukhtar, S., Horváth, O. and Pósfai, M. (2024) Room-temperature synthesis of rGO/Ag nanocomposite as a photocatalyst for the degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater. Materialia, 36, p.102179.

Pósfai, M., Molnár, Z., Nyirő-Kósa, I., Rácz, K., Pekker, P. and Istvánovics, V. (2024) Carbonate Mineral Formation in the Vicinity of Blooming Algae in a Shallow Lake. In Geomicrobiology: Natural and Anthropogenic Settings (pp. 261-280), Springer Nature.

Xu, H., Gregg, J., Hobbs, F., Pósfai, M. (2024) The dolomite problem is not solved: Comment on Dissolution enables dolomite crystal growth near ambient conditions by Kim et al. 2023. Science eLetters, Mar 19, 2024

Dallos, Z., Golle-Leidreiter, P., Molnár, Z., Kristály, F., Kovács Kis, V., Dódony, I. (2024) Structural changes of bioapatite during heat treatment. Crystal Growth & Design, 24, 2058–2063.

Lange-Enyedi, N. T., Németh, P., Borsodi, A. K., Spötl, C., Makk, J. (2024) Calcium carbonate precipitating extremophilic bacteria in an Alpine ice cave. Scientific Reports, 53131.

Molnár, Z., Pekker, P., Rečnik, A. and Pósfai, M., (2024) Formation and properties of spindle-shaped aragonite mesocrystals from Mg-bearing solutionsNanoscale, 16, 2012-2021.  

Nguyen Xuan, T., Nguyen Thi, D., Tran Thuong, Q., Nguyen Ngoc, T., Dang Quoc, K., Molnár, Z., Mukhtar, S., Szabó-Bárdos, E. and Horváth, O. (2023) Effect of copper-modification of g-C3N4 on the visible-light-driven photocatalytic oxidation of nitrophenolsMolecules, 28(23), p.7810.

Dziuba, M. V., Müller F. D., Pósfai, M., Schüler, D. (2023) Exploring the host range for genetic transfer of magnetic nanoparticle synthesis. Nature Nanotechnology, 10.1038/s41565-023-01500-5.

Koók, L., Nagy, K. B., Nyirő-Kósa, I., Kovács, S., Zitka, J., Otmar, M., Bakonyi, P., Nemestóthy, N., Bélefi-Bakó, K. (2023) Simultaneous urea and phosphate recovery from synthetic urine by electrochemical stabilization. Membranes,  13,  699.

Lange, T.P., Pálos, Z., Pósfai, M., Berkesi, M., Pekker, P., Szabó, Á., Cs, S. and Kovács, I.J. (2023) Nanoscale hydrous silicate melt inclusions at the clinopyroxene-amphibole interface in a mantle xenolith from the Persani Mountains Volcanic FieldLithos, p.107210.

Páll, B., Mersel, M.A., Pekker, P., Makó, É., Vágvölgyi, V., Németh, M., Pap, J.S., Fodor, L. and Horváth, O. (2023) Photocatalytic H2 production by visible light on Cd0.5Zn0.5S photocatalysts modified with Ni(OH)2 by impregnation methodInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(12), p.9802.

Meister,  P.,  Frisia,  S.,  Dódony,  I.,  Pekker,  P.,  Molnár,  Z.,  Neuhuber,  S.,  Gier,  S.,  Kovács,  I., Demény,  A. and Pósfai,  M. (2023) Nanoscale pathway of modern dolomite formation in a shallow, alkaline lakeCrystal Growth & Design, 2c01393.

Szabó, T., Bakos, I., Vrbovszki, B., Jeerapan, I., Pekker, P., Mihály, J., Németh, K., Wang, J. and Keresztes, Z. (2023) Dual-role peptide with capping and cleavage site motifs in nanoparticle-based one-pot colorimetric and electrochemical protease assayACS Omega, 8, 22556-22566.

Molnár, Z., Dódony, I. and Pósfai, M. (2023) Transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate in the presence of magnesium, phosphate, and mineral surfacesGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 345, 90-101.

Makó, É., Sarkadi, Z., Ható, Z. and Kristóf, T. (2023) Characterization of kaolinite-3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane intercalation complexes. Applied Clay Science, 231, p.106753.

Lázár, A., Molnár, Z., Demény, A., Kótai, L., Trif, L., Béres, K.A.A., Bódis, E., Bortel, G., Aradi, L.E.E., Karlik, M., Szabó, M.Z., Pekker, Á., Németh, G., Kamarás, K., Garvie, L.A.J., Németh, P. (2023) Insights into the amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC)→ ikaite→ calcite transformationsCrystEngComm, 10.1039/d2ce01444k.

Rostási, Á., Rácz, K., Fodor, M. A., Topa, B., Molnár, Z.,  Weiszburg, T. G. and Pósfai, M. (2022) Pathways of carbonate sediment accumulation in a large, shallow lake. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, pp. 1-18, 1067105.

Dziuba, M.V., Paulus, A., Schramm, L., Awal, R.P., Pósfai, M., Monteil, C.L., Fouteau, S., Uebe, R. and Schüler, D. (2022) Silent gene clusters encode magnetic organelle biosynthesis in a non-magnetotactic phototrophic bacteriumThe ISME Journal, pp.1-14.

Lengyel, E., Barreto, S., Padisák, J., Stenger-Kovács, C., Lázár, D. and Buczkó, K. (2022) Contribution of silica-scaled chrysophytes to ecosystems services: a reviewHydrobiologia, pp.1-22.

Kocsis, G., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Fónagy, O., Farsang, E., Juzsakova, T., Jakab, M., Pekker, P., Kovács, M. and Horváth, O. (2022) Characterization of various titanium-dioxide-based catalysts regarding photocatalytic mineralization of carbamazepine also combined with ozonationMolecules, 27, p.8041.

Zsirka, B., Győrfi, K., Yamaguchi, T., Táborosi, A., Vágvölgyi, V., Parameswary, C., Homonnay, Z., Kuzmann, E., Horváth, E. and Kristóf, J. (2022) Effect of structural iron on nanoscroll formation via exfoliation of a high iron-content kaolinJournal of Materials Research, pp.1-16.

Németh, P., Töchterle, P., Dublyansky, Y., Stalder, R., Molnár, Zs., Klébert, Sz. and Spötl, C. (2022) Tracing structural relicts of the ikaite-to-calcite transformation in cryogenic cave glendonite. American Mineralogist, 107, 1960-1967.

Nyirő-Kósa, I., Ahmad, F., Hoffer, A. and Pósfai, M. (2022) Nanoscale physical and chemical properties of individual airborne magnetic particles from vehicle emissionsAtmospheric Environment: X, 15, p.100181.

Mersel, M.A., Fodor, L., Pekker, P., Makó, É. and Horváth, O. (2022) Effects of Preparation Conditions on the Efficiency of Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Generation Based on Ni (II)-Modified Cd0. 25Zn0. 75S Photocatalysts. Molecules, 27(13), p.4296.

Martiz, A., Károly, Z., Trif, L., Mohai, M., Bereczki, L., Németh, P., Molnár, Z., Menyhárd, A., Pawar, R.P., Tekale, S. and Kótai, L. (2022) Plasma-assisted preparation of nano-(ZrC, ZrO2)@ carbon composites from Zr-loaded sulfonated styrene–divinylbenzene copolymers.  Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147, 9353-936.

Béres, K.A., Homonnay, Z., Kvitek, L., Durvanger, Z., Kubikova, M., Harmat, V., Szilágyi, F., Czégény, Z., Németh, P., Bereczki, L. and Petrusevski, V.M. (2022) Thermally Induced Solid-Phase Quasi-Intramolecular Redox Reactions of [Hexakis (urea-O) iron (III)] Permanganate: An Easy Reaction Route to Prepare Potential (Fe, Mn) O x Catalysts for CO2 HydrogenationInorganic Chemistry, 61(36), 14403-14418.

Heller, B., Simon-Stöger, L., Makó, É., Varga, Cs. (2022) A practical manner to GTR recycling in waste‐HDPE/ABS. Journal of Polymer Research, 29, 329.

Staicu, L.C., Wojtowicz, P.J., Molnár, Z., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Gallego, J.L.R., Baragaño, D. and Pósfai, M., (2022) Interplay between arsenic and selenium biomineralization in Shewanella sp. O23SEnvironmental Pollution, 306, 119451.

Rostási, Á., Topa, B.A., Gresina, F., Weiszburg, T.G., Gelencsér, A., Varga, G. (2022) Saharan dust deposition in Central Europe in 2016 - a representative year of the increased NOrth African dust removal over the last decadeFrontiers in Earth Science,  10, 869902.

Zsirka, B., Vágvölgyi, V., Horváth, E., Juzsakova, T., Fónagy, O., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Kristóf, J. (2022) Halloysite-zinc nanocomposites as potential photocatalystsMinerals,  12, 476.

Garvie, L.A., Németh, P. , Trif, L. (2022) An exceptionally stable and widespread hydrated amorphous calcium carbonate precipitated by the dog vomit slime mold Fuligo septica (Myxogastria)Scientific Reports, 12, pp.1-13.  

Park, Y., Eyal, Z., Pekker, P., Chevrier, D. M., Lefèvre, C. T., Arnoux P., Armengaud, J., Monteil, C. L., Gal, A., Pósfai, M., Faivre, D. (2022) Periplasmic bacterial biomineralization of copper sulfide nanoparticles. Advanced Science, 9, 2203444.

Kántor, I., Dreavă, D., Todea, A., Péter, F., May, Z., Biró, E., Babos, G. and Feczkó, T. (2022) Co-entrapment of Sorafenib and Cisplatin drugs and iRGD tumour homing peptide by poly [ε-caprolactone-co-(12-hydroxystearate)] copolymerBiomedicines, 10, p. 43.

Farsang, S., Pekker, P., Lampronti, G. I., Molnár, Z., Milovsky, R., Pósfai, M., Ozdín, D., Raub, T. D., Redfern, S. A. T. (2022) Inclusions in calcite phantom crystals suggest role of clay minerals in dolomite formation. American Mineralogist, 107, 1369-1377.

Mirankó, M., Trif, L., Tóth, J. and Feczkó, T. (2021) Nanostructured micronized solid dispersion of crystalline-amorphous metronidazole embedded in amorphous polymer matrix prepared by nano spray dryingAdvanced Powder Technology, 32, p. 2621.

Hajba-Horváth, E., Fodor-Kardos, A., Shah, N., Wacker, M.G. and Feczkó, T. (2021) Sustainable stabilizer-free nanoparticle formulations of Valsartan sing Eudragit® RLPOInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, p. 13069.

Lange-Enyedi,  N.T.,  Németh,  P.,  Borsodi,  A.K.,  Halmy,  R.,  Czuppon,  G.,  Kovács,  I.,  Leél-Őssy,  S.,  Demény,  A. and Makk,  J. (2021) Calcium carbonate precipitating cultivable bacteria from different speleothems of karst cavesGeomicrobiology Journal, pp.1-16.

Mersel, M. A., Fodor, L., Pekker, P., Jakab, M., Makó, É., Horváth, O. (2021) Effects of preparation conditions on the efficiency of visible-light-driven hydrogen generation based on Cd0.25Zn0. 75S. Photocatalysts. Catalysts, 11, 1534.

Staicu, L., Wójtowicz, P., Baragaño, D., Pósfai, M., Molnár, Z., Ruiz-Agudo, E., Gallego, J.L. (2021) Bioremediation of a polymetallic, arsenic-dominated reverse osmosis reject stream. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 04 October 2021, 13578.

Boros,  A., Varga, Cs., Prajda, R., Jakab, M., Korim, T. (2021) Development of waste-based alkali-activated cement composites. Materials, 14, 5815.

Zsirka, B., Vágvölgyi, V., Győrfi, K., Horváth, E., Szilágyi, R.K., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Balogh, Sz., Kristóf, J. (2021) Compositional, structural, and surface characterization of heat-treated halloysite samples: influence of surface treatment on photochemical activity. Applied Clay Science,  212, 106222.

Gonet, T., Maher, B.A., Nyirő-Kósa, I., Pósfai, M., Vaculík, M., Kukutschová, J. (2021) Size-resolved, quantitative evaluation of the magnetic mineralogy of airborne brake-wear particulate emissions. Environmental Pollution, 288, 117808.

Németh, P. (2021) Diffraction features from (10-14) calcite twins mimicking crystallographic ordering. Minerals, 11, 720.

Kuhrts, L., Prévost, S., Chevrier, D.M., Pekker, P., Späker, O., Egglseder, M., Baumgartner, J., Pósfai, M. and Faivre, D. (2021) Wettability of magnetite nanoparticles guides growth from stabilized amorphous ferrihydriteJournal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 10963–10969.

Kovács, T., Simon-Stőger, L., Heller, B., Varga, Cs. (2021) Enhancing properties of PC/PA blends via compatibilization of olefin-maleic-anhydride copolymer based additives in masterbatch formJournal of Polymer Research, 28, 294.

Szalai, Z., Ringer, M., Németh, T., Sipos, P. Perényi, K., Pekker, P., Balázs, R., Vancsik, A.V., Zacháry, D., Szabó, L., Filep, T., Varga, Gy., Jakab, G. (2021) Accelerated soil development due to seasonal water-saturation under hydric conditions. Geoderma, 401, 115328.  

Molnár, Zs., Pekker, P., Dódony, I., Pósfai, M. (2021) Clay minerals affect calcium (magnesium) carbonate precipitation and aging. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 567, 116971.  

Fogaca, L.A., Kováts, K., Németh, G., Kamarás, K., Kende A. Béres, K.A., Németh, P., Petruševski, V., Bereczki, L., Barta Holló, B., Sajó, I.E., Klébert, Sz., Farkas, A., Szilágyi, I.M., Kótai, L. (2021) Solid-Phase Quasi-Intramolecular Redox Reaction of [Ag(NH3)2]MnO4: An Easy Way to Prepare Pure AgMnO2Inorganic Chemistry,  60, 3749–3760.

Majrik, K., Pászti, Z., Korecz, L., Mihály, J., May, Z., Németh, P., Cannilla, C., Bonura, G., Frusteri, F., Tompos, A., Tálas, E. (2021) Effect of the Microstructure of the Semiconductor Support on the Photocatalytic Performance of the Pt-PtOx/TiO2 Catalyst System. Materials, 14, 943.

Khan, Y., Valicsek, Zs., Horváth, O. (2021) Comparing the Degradation Potential of Copper(II), Iron(II), Iron(III) Oxides, and Their Composite Nanoparticles in a Heterogeneous Photo-Fenton System. Nanomaterials, 11, 225.

Jakab, M., Enisz-Bódogh, M., Makó, É., Kovács, K., Orbán, S. and Horváth, B. (2020) Influence of wet chemical processing conditions on structure and properties of magnetic hydroxyapatite nanocomposites. Processing and Application of Ceramics, 14, 321-328.

Hegedüs, I., Vitai, M., Jakab, M. and Nagy, E. (2020) Study of Prepared α-Chymotrypsin as Enzyme Nanoparticles and of Biocatalytic Membrane ReactorCatalysts, 10, 1454.

Pósfai M. (2020) A Balaton üledékének ásványai. (Minerals in the sediments of Lake Balaton - in Hungarian). Földtani Közlöny, 150, 511-528.

Hajba-Horváth, E., Biró, E., Mirankó, M., Fodor-Kardos, A., Trif, L. and Feczkó, T., 2020. Preparation and in vitro characterization of valsartan-loaded ethyl cellulose and poly (methyl methacrylate) nanoparticlesRSC Advances, 10, 43915-43926.

Wafi, A., Szabó-Bárdos, E., Horváth, O., Pósfai, M., Makó, É., Juzsakova, T., Fónagy, O. (2020) The photocatalytic and antibacterial performance of nitrogen-doped TiO2: surface-structure dependence and silver-deposition effect. Nanomaterials, 10, 2261.

Németh, B., Németh, Á.S., Ujhidy, A., Tóth, J., Trif, L., Jankovics, H., Kriszt, B., Dobolyi, C., May, Z., Gyenis, J. and Feczkó, T. (2020) Antimicrobial functionalization of Ca alginate‐coconut oil latent heat storing microcapsules by Ag nanoparticles. International Journal of Energy Research, 44, 11998-12014.

Simon-Stöger, L. and Varga, Cs. (2020) PE-contaminated industrial waste tire rubber: How to transform a handicapped resource to a valuable one. Waste Management, 119, 111-121.

Babos, Gy., Rydz, J., Kawalec, M., Klim, M., Fodor-Kardos, A., Trif, L.  and Feczkó, T. (2020) Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate)-based nanoparticles for Sorafenib and Doxorubicin anticancer drug deliveryInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 7312.

Li, T., Gao, T., Chen, H., Pekker, P., Menyhárt, A and Guttman, A. (2020) Rapid determination of full and empty adeno-associated virus capsid ratio by capillary isoelectric focusingCurrent Molecular Medicine, 20, 1-7.

Staicu, L.C., Wojtowicz, P.J., Pósfai, M., Pekker, P., Gorecki, A., Jordan, F.L. and Barton, L.L. (2020) PbS biomineralization using cysteine: Bacillus cereus and the sulfur rushFEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96, fiaa151.  

Makó, É., Dódony, I., Pekker, P., Pósfai, M., Kovács, A., Ható, Z., Kristóf, T. (2020) Nanoscale structural and morphological features of kaolinite nanoscrolls. Applied Clay Science, 198, 105800.

Keszei, S. J., Pekker, P., Fehér, Cs., Balogh, Sz., Jakab, M., Nagy, L., Skoda-Földes, R. (2020) Application of sol-gel methods to obtain silica materials decorated with ferrocenyl-ureidopyrimidine moieties. Preparation of hollow spheres and modification of a carbon electrode. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 110380.

Adamcsik, B., Nagy, E., Urbán, B., Szabó, P., Pekker, P., Skoda-Földes, R. (2020) Palladium nanoparticles on a pyridinium supported ionic liquid phase: a recyclable and low-leaching palladium catalyst for aminocarbonylation reactions. RSC Advances, 10, 23988.  DOI: 10.1039/d0ra03406a

Győrfi, K., Vágvölgyi, V., Zsirka, B., Horváth, E., Szilágyi, R.K., Baán, K., Balogh, Sz., Kristóf, J. (2020) Kaolins of high iron-content as photocatalysts: Challenges of acidic surface modifications and mechanistic insights. Applied Clay Science,
195, 105722,

Császár, Z. Bakos, J., Farkas, G. (2020) Sulfonated phosphine ligands in the ruthenium catalyzed biphasic hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Catalysis Letters,

Enyedi, N.T., Makk, J., Kótai, L., Berényi, B., Klébert, S., Sebestyén, Z., Molnár, Z., Borsodi, A.K., Leél-Őssy, S., Demény, A., Németh, P.  (2020) Cave bacteria-induced amorphous calcium carbonate formationScientific Reports, 10, 8696.

Fodor-Kardos, A., Kiss Á. F., Monostory, K. and Feczkó, T. (2020) Sustained in vitro interferon-beta release and in vivo toxicity of PLGA nad PEG-PLGA nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 10, 15893, DOI: 10.1039/c9ra09928j.

Vágvölgyi, V., Győrfi, K., Zsirka, B, Horváth, E. and Kristóf, J. (2020) The role of thermal analysis in the development of high‐iron‐content kaolinite‐based photocatalystsJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,  

Fodor, M.A., Ható, Z., Kristóf, T., and Pósfai, M. (2020) The role of clay surfaces in the heterogeneous nucleation of calcite: Molecular dynamics simulations of cluster formation and attachment. Chemical Geology, 538, 119497.  

Stenger‐Kovács, C., Lengyel, E., Buczkó, K., Padisák, J. and Korponai, J. (2019) Trait‐based diatom functional diversity as an appropriate tool for understanding the effects of environmental changes in soda pansEcology and Evolution, 10, 320–335.  

Feczkó, T., Piiper, A., Pleli, T., Schmithals, C., Denk, D., Hehlgans, S., Rödel, F., Vogl, T.J., and Wacker, M.G. (2019) Theranostic sorafenib-loaded polymeric nanocarriers manufactured by enhanced gadolinium conjugation techniques. Pharmaceutics, 11(10), 489.  

Makó, É., Kovács, A., and Kristóf, T. (2019) Influencing parameters of direct homogenization intercalation of kaolinite with urea, dimethyl sulfoxide, formamide, and N-methylformamide. Applied Clay Science, 182, 105287.