Earth Sciences - Research Themes in Nanolab
Nanolab staff members work on their own research projects within the Environmental Mineralogy (EnvMin) Research Group - their research topics can be found here.
The themes below were brought to Nanolab by external users. Some of the topics overlap with the interests of EnvMin members; in these cases members of the EnvMin group are involved in the research, performing tasks beyond simple measurement service.
Institution | Research Group |
Group Leader (theme initiator) |
Theme |
Utrecht University | Lotta Ternieten | 3D shapes, structures and compositions of iron oxide nanoparticles from black smokers | |
University of Bergen | Leonardo Pasqualetto | Grain boundaries of calcite in stalagmites | |
University of Szeged | Department of Mineralogy | Tivadar M. Tóth, Noémi Halász | Zirconolite structure and composition for deciphering processes and age in a carbonatite xenolith |
University of Lancaster | Environmental Magnetism | Barbara Maher, Tomasz Gonet | Airborne magnetic nanoparticles from traffic emissions |
Ruhr-University Bochum | Sediment and Isotope Geology | Adrian Immenhauser, Yifan Zhang | Structural and compositional causes of the morphology of saddle dolomite |
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk | Aleksander Rečnik, Vesna Ribič, Pavel Gavryushkin | Structure and formation of aragonite | |
University of Pannonia | UP Air Chemistry Research Group | András Gelencsér | Properties of aerosol particles from household waste burning |
Study of magnetic aerosol particles | |||
Formation and properties of tar ball aerosol particles | |||
Analysis of material dissolved in fog water | |||
Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics and Eötvös Loránd University |
Pannon LitH2Oscope Momentum Research Group | István Kovács, Zsófia Pálos, Thomas Lange | Mineralogical study of mantle xenoliths from the asthenosphere-lithosphere boundary (relationships between pyroxenes, amphiboles and inclusions) |
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry | Paleogeochemistry Research Group | Péter Németh | Formation of cave carbonates, biogenic carbonates, carbonate varieties with structural water |
University of Vienna | Environmental Geochemistry | Patrick Meister | Structural/compositional studes of Mg-Ca carbonates from Lake Fertő (Neusiedl) |
University of Newcastle, Australia | School of Environmental and Life Sciences | Silvia Frisia | Micro- and nanostructures of carbonate minerals (in Dolomia Principale and in recent stromatolites) |
University of Cambridge | Department of Earth Sciences | Stefan Farsang | Color, inclusions, and formation of phantom calcite |
Eötvös University | Institute of Geography | Enikő Magyari, Ivett Pálfi | Structural studies of Mg-bearing carbonate minerals from a drillcore from Lake Balaton sediments |
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography | Physical Geography Research Group | Zoltán Szalai | Nanominerals (primarily iron oxides) in a hydromorphic soil |
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry | Archaeometry Research Group | Bernadett Bajnóczi | Characterization of Pb-bearing and other minerals in glazes of Roman ceramics |
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry / Eötvös University | Agyagásványok a talajban | Tibor Németh | Polytypism of clay minerals from soils |
Hungarian Mining and Geology Service / Eötvös University | Department of Geochemistry | György Falus | Mineralogical study of rocks storing natural CO2 |
Eötvös University | Department of Mineralogy | Tamás Weiszburg | Study of Pb-bearing minerals from the dust scrubber system of the Dunaújváros steel plant |