Earth Sciences - Research Themes in Nanolab


Nanolab staff members work on their own research projects within the Environmental Mineralogy (EnvMin) Research Group - their research topics can be found here.


The themes below were brought to Nanolab by external users. Some of the topics overlap with the interests of EnvMin members; in these cases members of the EnvMin group are involved in the research, performing tasks beyond simple measurement service. 


Institution Research Group

Group Leader

(theme initiator)

Utrecht University   Lotta Ternieten 3D shapes, structures and compositions of iron oxide nanoparticles from black smokers
University of Bergen Leonardo Pasqualetto Grain boundaries of calcite in stalagmites
University of Szeged Department of Mineralogy Tivadar M. Tóth, Noémi Halász Zirconolite structure and composition for deciphering processes and age in a carbonatite xenolith
University of Lancaster Environmental Magnetism Barbara Maher, Tomasz Gonet Airborne magnetic nanoparticles from traffic emissions
Ruhr-University Bochum Sediment and Isotope Geology Adrian Immenhauser, Yifan Zhang Structural and compositional causes of the morphology of saddle dolomite
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk Aleksander Rečnik, Vesna Ribič, Pavel Gavryushkin Structure and formation of aragonite
University of Pannonia UP Air Chemistry Research Group    András Gelencsér Properties of aerosol particles from household waste burning
Study of magnetic aerosol particles
Formation and properties of tar ball aerosol particles
Analysis of material dissolved in fog water

Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics and Eötvös Loránd University

Pannon LitH2Oscope Momentum Research Group István Kovács, Zsófia Pálos, Thomas Lange Mineralogical study of mantle xenoliths from the asthenosphere-lithosphere boundary (relationships between pyroxenes, amphiboles and inclusions) 
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry Paleogeochemistry Research Group Péter Németh  Formation of cave carbonates, biogenic carbonates, carbonate varieties with structural water
University of Vienna Environmental Geochemistry Patrick Meister Structural/compositional studes of Mg-Ca carbonates from Lake Fertő (Neusiedl)
University of Newcastle, Australia School of Environmental and Life Sciences Silvia Frisia Micro- and nanostructures of carbonate minerals (in Dolomia Principale and in recent stromatolites)
University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences Stefan Farsang Color, inclusions, and formation of phantom calcite
Eötvös University Institute of Geography Enikő Magyari, Ivett Pálfi Structural studies of Mg-bearing carbonate minerals from a drillcore from Lake Balaton sediments
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geography Physical Geography Research Group Zoltán Szalai Nanominerals (primarily iron oxides) in a hydromorphic soil
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry Archaeometry Research Group Bernadett Bajnóczi Characterization of Pb-bearing and other minerals in glazes of Roman ceramics
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry / Eötvös University Agyagásványok a talajban Tibor Németh Polytypism of clay minerals from soils
Hungarian Mining and Geology Service / Eötvös University Department of Geochemistry György Falus Mineralogical study of rocks storing natural CO2
Eötvös University Department of Mineralogy Tamás Weiszburg Study of Pb-bearing minerals from the dust scrubber system of the Dunaújváros steel plant